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Higher Education: open, until Monday, June 12, enrollment for the first edition of the course "Formazione manageriale per la direzione generale delle aziende sanitarie – DG integrativo"

Publication date: 01.06.2023
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Enrollments are open until Monday, June 12, 2023, for the new Advanced Training course promoted by the Management and Healthcare Laboratory (MeS) of the Sant'Anna School and the Regione Toscana.

The course is aimed at managers who already hold the certificate of managerial training for managers of complex structures (pursuant to Presidential Decree 484/1997 and Articles 15, 16-quinquies of Legislative Decree 502/92 smi), who intend to acquire the certificate of managerial training for access to the national list for General Managers pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 171 of August 4, 2016, the document of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces of May 16, 2019.

The course includes 100 hours of teaching, starting in July 2023.

All information and the full announcement are available at this link.